Kid-Friendly DIYs That are Fun and Functional

Oct 1, 2021 | Education & Learning, Motherhood and Parenting

In the last year and a half or so, Covid-19 lockdowns and time spent in quarantine here in Israel, like much of the rest of the world, had many parents home with their children for more time than they ever anticipated. While there was definitely time spent on Zoom school, at least for the older kids, there were still many hours that remained to parents’ and kids’ discretion to fill. Aside from the aspect of time alone, kids were left unstimulated physically and creatively, and with far less “alone time” than they were accustomed to.

It became parents’ [second] full-time job to ensure that their children got through this time feeling healthy, happy, and productive. Academics may have been accounted for on some level, but kids also need to stay active, spend time outdoors, engage in creative exploration, and have their personal space to be healthy. Many of us around the world are still finding ourselves in this cycle of kids in and out of quarantine. Here are some DIY ideas to utilize the spaces you already have and help your children get the most out of being home in the various ways they need to develop and thrive. 

Staying Active

DIY rock climbing wall and ninja warrior obstacle course can turn any playroom into a physically challenging fun zone without taking up much space. All you need are the rock climbing grips and ninja rings and a durable wall and ceiling!

DIY tire swing is great in that it provides triple benefits. The tire swing promotes movement, can be outdoors, and has space for multiple children to use at once. Get an old tire and chain, drill 3 holes in the tire, tie a double bowline knot, and hang it in any space that can accommodate it! 

Creative Exploration

DIY bedroom walls can be done with any color paint and a sponge. Give your kids a textured sponge and let them go crazy on the walls with their favorite color. You can even cut the sponges into fun shapes and sizes for added individuality. Be sure to throw an old sheet or a drop cloth over furniture and floors because the paint will likely get everywhere.

DIY bird feeders made out of old food cans, string, and popsicle sticks for the birds to stand on are both fun for the kids to make and provide them with an ongoing project – feeding the birds! 


Personal Space

DIY under-the-stairs reading nook utilizes what can otherwise be dead space and turns it into a cozy haven the kids can chill in and enjoy reading at the same time. It can be as simple as a platform bed or mattress and shelves along the tallest wall. Add some fun decor and you’ve transformed the space! 


DIY hammock out of an extra bed sheet and strong rope can be hung indoors or outdoors and yields just another place your child can hang out to be alone, relax, and recharge. 

Ultimately, enabling our children to enjoy the spaces within their own homes, especially when they themselves have participated in creating these spaces, really allows them to not only enjoy them so much more, but appreciate it when they do because they contributed to their creation. While the results are fun and functional, the pride, pleasure, and confidence they receive from the projects they were involved in are the significant added benefits that they gain. 

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