Style Your Way to a Mammogram!

Oct 1, 2021 | Style & Fashion

Written by Ros Bakst

In honor of October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I’m sharing with you my styling tips and tricks for ways to improve your mammogram experience. You are getting one, right? Good, that’s what I thought.

For my first mammogram, I actually made it into a shopping trip! I took a friend with me, had the mammogram and then we went out and had some fun. It calmed my nerves knowing that I was going out afterwards and I focused on that instead of the test. I highly recommend this as an introduction and a nice way to get through the first one.

DON’T go right before or during your period. Schedule your mammogram when your breasts are not tender or swollen, to help reduce discomfort and to get good images.

Mammogram images are obtained while you are in a standing position. Wear flat, comfortable shoes to your mammogram, so you can easily stand still and lean as necessary, without losing your balance.

I always shave my underarms before having a mammogram…to be honest this is a personal choice and will not affect the test either way, except I feel better if I do it.

Don’t wear deodorant, perfume, powder, lotions, or creams of any kind on your upper body. They interfere with the X-ray and, at best, can cause you to schedule additional appointments to rescan, or at worst, can be mistaken for serious conditions. If you’re not going home straight after, you might want to take your deodorant with you and apply it after your exam.

Most makeup products should be just fine to wear during a mammogram, as long as you apply them on your face only. 


Leave any neck jewelry at home. Anything around the neck will interfere with obtaining clear X-ray images of your breasts. Do not risk losing your jewelry if you have to remove it and don’t have a safe place to keep it. 

You’ll have to undress above the waist to get a mammogram. Don’t wear a dress! Be sure to wear a two-piece outfit so you can still be clothed from the waist down during your scan. You might find it easier to wear a shirt and skirt or pants, so that you’ll only need to remove your top and bra for the mammogram. Changing your clothing will be easier if you only have to remove your top. A blouse with buttons in the front is optimal since it can be easily removed, while pullover tops are less convenient.

I don’t wear a sheitel (wig) for my mammogram. I always choose a comfortable head scarf that is not too tight on my head. You won’t necessarily be asked to remove it. Stress or anxiety sometimes causes head sweats. Cotton scarves are soft, comfortable, and breathable, making them my personal preference for this test. 

Don’t put off caring for your health, and do it in style!

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