Under the Radar is a recurring feature where we talk to and learn about Mitzvah heroes, those amazing people who are changing the world, doing their part in Tikkun Olam and making the world a better place to be

Under the Radar: Danni Franks – MyIsrael

Dec 1, 2021 | Under the Radar

Written by Arnie Draiman

Danni Franks was born and raised in London, England, where her family was committed to a Jewish lifestyle, to the Jewish community, and she attended Jewish schools and even spent a semester in Israel in 7th grade. Danni always had a natural inclination towards volunteering and helping others. 

While majoring in Psychology at Bristol University, she headed the Jewish Society club on campus, and arranged for volunteer work in prisons. After graduation, she worked for Sky News Sports and later for Disney. In fact, she had a lucrative offer from Disney on the table to continue, but Danni wanted to make Aliyah and live in Israel. She thought perhaps she could work for Disney Israel, but quickly realized that this was not to be since the operation in Israel consisted of only four people, and not the hundreds in other offices overseas.

Her work with nonprofits heightened her awareness of some intrinsic issues with fundraising in this field. One day Danni met with Caryn Green, founder of the Jerusalem nonprofit for street youth, Crossroads. Danni learned from Caryn that Crossroads had no fundraising activities in the UK. Danni then asked a question of Caryn that would end up changing her life’s path: “What would you be able to do with $50?” Caryn rattled off a list of things she could get for the troubled teens of Crossroads with a $50 donation. The proverbial lightbulb lit up for Danni, and she realized that even a small donation given to the right organization can make a world of difference. Caryn recommended that Danni consult Arnie Draiman (author of this article, and one experienced in funding for the nonprofit sector). Coupled with Arnie’s advice and her own intuition, Danni decided to create a vehicle through which one could make a contribution with the following criteria:

          Each and every donation has to show that it has an impact so that the donor wants to continue to give

          Each organization is thoroughly checked out, just as you would when you make a consumer purchase (for example, you check very carefully which cell phone to buy). They must be 100% efficient, effective, and honest.

–           And 100% of the donation goes where the donor wants it to go – so that no or very little overhead is taken out.

Danni indeed created the vehicle – a foundation called MyIsrael, where people in the UK could donate with confidence to nonprofits in Israel. Danni chose 18 nonprofits to highlight, each with an annual budget of under $1M (4,000,000 NIS), each thoroughly vetted and fully transparent. The 18 nonprofits run the gamut of causes so that anyone can certainly find something that speaks to them.

In the 14 years that MyIsrael has been operating, they have raised over $14,000,000 for distribution in Israel. And as important as that is, Danni insists that along with every donation comes the expertise of the MyIsrael staff. They mentor and advise the founders and staff of these small nonprofits so that the organization can become more efficient, because most nonprofit founders are not savvy in the business world. This mentoring is as valuable, if not more so, than cash donations.

In 2019, in addition to MyIsrael UK, Danni started MyIsrael in Israel so that Israelis can donate in shekels and receive the proper tax benefits as well. One of the bigger activities run by MyIsrael is their Bar and Bat Mitzvah program where the kids choose a project to ‘adopt’ and raise funds for. A personal connection is made with the nonprofit in Israel and the family can come to visit and see how their donation made a difference.

In his law code, the Mishneh Torah, Maimonides says, “We must be especially careful to observe the mitzvah of tzedakah, more so than any other positive mitzvah.” Can you imagine that one of the foremost Jewish scholars of all time says that you need to be more careful about giving than, say, honoring parents or observing Yom Kippur? Danni and her team at MyIsrael have taken the Rambam’s words to heart, and it shows with every penny of their $14,000,000 donated.

You can check out MyIsrael at www.myisraelcharity.org

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