Use of Herbal Medicine Is on the Rise

Jul 1, 2022 | Health, Women's Health

Since Biblical times, natural herbs have been the main remedy for treating human diseases. It has been estimated that 25% of modern medicines are made from plants. The most commonly known are aspirin and digitalis. Because of the wide application of pharmaceutical drugs, herbal medicine and other traditional therapies have not been the first choice for  Western physicians to help heal their patients. However, Western medicine treatments are often not satisfactory, and adverse drug reactions are common.  Because of this, complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), along with herbal medicine, has gained more attention in recent times.

Recent national surveys have shown that about 1 in 5 people are now using CAM therapy worldwide, and this trend is expected to significantly increase in the future. In addition, about a third of patients reported they seek CAM therapies for health promotion and disease prevention, adding to the noticeable increase in the usage of herbal products. The World Health Organization (WHO) stated that in some countries traditional or herbal medicine is a staple. In China the WHO reports that traditional and herbal products account for 50% of total medicinal consumption and in many South American and Middle Eastern countries it is used in everyday care. However, despite the success stories of other countries using this hybrid system; the United States’ and Israeli medical systems have not yet incorporated herbals into main treatment protocols. This may be because although it is growing, there is still limited scientific evidence supporting the safety and efficacy of most modern day herbal products. While thousands of people die each year from even supposedly ‘safe’ over-the-counter pharmaceuticals, deaths or hospitalizations due to herbs are so rare that they are hard to find; not even United States Poison Control centers have a category in their database for adverse reactions to herbs.                                                      

How Herbs are Used to Heal

There are both Chinese and Western herbal medicines which are used to improve health. Chinese herbalism has been used all over the world for thousands of years. The strategies for treating illness are taken from Classical Chinese healing texts and they are still used today with modifications that take into account changes in people’s diet and lifestyle over the years. Western herbalism is a form of the healing arts that draws from herbal traditions of Europe and the Americas, emphasizing the study and use of European and Native American herbs in the treatment and prevention of illness. A qualified herbalist can create a custom formula that helps heal the body at the deepest level. Unlike some pharmaceutical medications, herbals can provide a true and long-lasting healing, not just a temporary masking of symptoms. Herbs can usually help everyone, but especially people who have hard-to-diagnose problems or syndromes. These conditions include almost every medical condition from allergies and auto-immune disease to digestive issues, arthritis, infertility and menopause-related issues. 

Chronic pain and fatigue have been successfully treated with herbals. Several herbs are antimicrobial and antibiotic, and can be instrumental in treating viruses like COVID.

Does “Natural” Mean Safe?

Limited scientific knowledge among the general population has led to the assumption that herbal medicines, being natural, are safe. However, various toxicological studies have shown that some plant products are potentially toxic, so care must be taken when using them. Additionally, the fact that allergies are so common today means that herbal medicine should only be administered by a professional (physician or herbalist) who knows the patient and the herbs being used. Despite this, scientific studies on the biochemical properties of medicinal plants used to treat various illnesses have confirmed the efficacy and safety of herbs, on the whole, especially in animals. There is a lack of education about the benefit of herbal therapy and the true healing power herbal medicines have. Since there is a fear of possible bad reactions, it is not surprising that physicians may avoid giving patients what they think are potentially harmful substances, overlooking potentially life-saving treatments.

Safety and Regulation of Medicinal Plants and Herbal Medicines

Another challenge with CAM is that most supplements available over-the-counter are not standardized. Purity and potency standards are only available for a small selection of herbs. To further complicate this matter, patients may take supplements from different manufacturers. Without a standard for purity and potency, the possibilities for negative interactions increase greatly for drug-herb, herb-herb, or reactions to contaminants. Physicians worry about herb-drug adverse reactions due to numerous unknown variables. The seasoned herbalist, however, makes sure he/she knows all medications a person is taking. Herbs are then carefully chosen to avoid herb-drug interactions and  ensure safety for that patient taking both pharmaceutical drugs and herbs at the same time. 

Herbal Medicine Is a Drug, Not Food.

In Asia and Europe herbs are considered to be drugs. Therefore, more research goes into determining the chemical components of each herb.


The governing agencies thoroughly understand an herb’s efficacy and safety and therefore a more balanced assessment is given. Safety determinations are accurate and not just guess work. At the moment, anyone can buy nearly any herb readily in a health food store, pharmacy and on the internet in the US and Israel because in these countries herbs fall into the category of food supplements, and are not regulated the same way drugs are. 

As medicines may have their own side effects, they can cure disease or maintain health, while causing damage to the human body. All effective drugs may produce adverse drug reactions; herbal medicines are no exception. Despite this, it is not necessary to give up using herbs or develop prejudice against herbal medicine. So, to ensure the safety of herbal medicinal products, herbal medicine should be managed as drugs.

Quality Control of Herbs

The good news for those who wish to use herbs is that when you buy herbs online or at the stores from the larger, most reputable herbal companies in the US and Israel, they follow EU (European Union) standards which are the most stringent in the world. Herbal companies have to produce a certificate of analysis identifying the herbs. The certificate of analysis must identify the herbs and other included substances such as heavy metals, molds, and other toxins. 

How to find a qualified herbalist

If you’re interested in trying Chinese or Western herbs, start by finding a trained and licensed herbalist. Then make sure the herbalist is willing to work with your physician and uses high-quality herbs. People should look for a practitioner who is certified in traditional Chinese herbal medicine. 

Keep Your Doctor in the Loop

Many physicians still question if herbals have any real role in medicine. So, are herbal medicines safe and effective or not? The answer is, it depends on who you talk to! There are plenty of physicians who feel there is a role and plenty who feel it’s to be strictly avoided. Herbs can act on the body as powerfully as pharmaceutical drugs and should be treated with the same caution and respect. Make sure your practitioner is fully qualified. Never abandon your regular medication or alter the dose without the knowledge and approval of your doctor.

Herbals can provide a true and long-lasting healing, not just a temporary masking of symptoms.

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