Latkes with a Twist – Forget the Potato, Try These!
Whether you are cutting carbs or fat, or just into something different this Chanukah, check out these alternatives to the traditional latke.
by Shoshana Isaacson
UNORTHOBOXED Magazine Food Editor
When the Hebrew month of Kislev draws near our thoughts turn to Chanukah. Gatherings with family and friends, playing dreidel, giving gelt, telling the story of the Maccabees, and of course eating latkes and other special fried foods. Why fried foods? We eat fried foods in commemoration of the great miracle that occurred after the Maccabees defeated the armies of the Greek King Antiochus. When the Jewish people finished purifying the Holy Temple after its desecration by the Greeks, they wanted to consecrate it by lighting the Menorah but were only able to find one vial of sanctified oil. This was not enough oil to last more than a day and the time required to prepare more was eight days. A great miracle happened and the oil they placed in the lamp kept burning for the whole eight days that were needed to prepare more oil. So as a way of reminding ourselves of this miracle we traditionally eat foods that have been fried in oil. Regardless of where in the world we reside this tradition holds true*.
The most common food associated with Chanukah in North America and much of Europe is Latkes. Latkes are potato pancakes fried to a crispy golden color and traditionally served with applesauce or sour cream. In today’s health conscious world of low fat, low carb, etc. there are people that try air frying or baking their latkes. Unfortunately, it is the oil that really makes the flavor we love in these foods. Like many other things, fried foods when eaten in moderation or as a special treat on occasion are not the worst thing for us. But to try to appease those who want a healthier option in place of a traditional latke, here are a few alternatives. Enjoy!
*To find out more about Chanukah foods from around the world check out our article from December 2021.
Old Fashioned Zucchini Fritters
Makes about 14 fritters
4 cups shredded zucchini
⅔ cup all purpose flour
2 eggs
⅓ cup onion, finely diced
Kosher salt
Pepper to taste
Olive oil
Sour cream for serving

Step by Step Instructions
Step 1
Grate the zucchini and place in a colander over a large bowl. Salt the zucchini very generously and let sit for about 10 minutes.
Step 2
Using your hands squeeze out as much liquid as possible from the zucchini. Rinse in cold water. Squeeze and repeat rinsing and squeezing a second time. Make sure to have rinsed off most of the salt and to have squeezed out as much liquid as possible.
Step 3
Place the zucchini in a large bowl.
Step 4
Add the flour, eggs, diced onion, ¼ teaspoon salt and ⅛ teaspoon pepper to the bowl, stirring until well combined.
Step 5
Line a plate with paper towels.
Step 6
Place a few tablespoons of olive oil into a frying pan over medium heat.
Step 7
When the oil is hot, place 3 tablespoon-sized mounds of the zucchini mixture into the pan. Press down lightly.
Step 8
Cook for about two to three minutes, and then using a spatula flip the fritters, frying the other side until both sides are golden brown. Place the finished fritters onto the paper towel lined plate to remove excess oil. Repeat until the remaining batter is used.
Step 9
Serve with sour cream or sour cream alternative.