Easing Our Stress By Simplifying Our Lives

Mar 5, 2023 | Advice, Personal Growth

Written by Hannah Heller

Information overload. The stress piles on and the mountain of work seems insurmountable. We live in times of exciting inventions and technological developments that are supposed to make our lives easier while more productive. However, many people feel that they are walking on a long path leading to nowhere without an end in sight. But it doesn’t have to be that way. We can break this cycle of being overwhelmed and use our talents and inventions to make our lives not only more manageable but also more fulfilling and meaningful.

When we are bogged down with details, complicated directions, and lengthy documents the tendency is often to give up in frustration. We have many distractions in our lives that may interfere with our focus if we feel that something is too difficult. Feelings of discouragement and low self image occur when we feel that we are not accomplishing our goals. The answer to this and many of the things that overwhelm us is to simplify.

While we cannot control the actions of others, we can do our part to make our own tasks less formidable. For example, when studying for a test, or writing a paper or article, focus on the basic ideas and work everything else around them.

When purchasing new appliances, it is sometimes more useful to choose a simpler model without the extra “bells and whistles” that you may not need. Trying to figure out basic functions can be frustrating when there are many extra buttons and features. Too many parts and too much information can make it difficult to find the basics of what you need to know to operate the machine.

If you are remodeling your home, exploring the many options available can feel like a huge task. Make a list of what your basic needs are so that you can communicate them clearly. Choosing a color of paint for your walls can be overwhelming with the many different shades of each color and the variety of names for them.

Decide on a goal for the room you want to paint. Do you want a color that will reflect more light in the room? Or, do you prefer one that will make it less bright? Do you want a color that more closely matches your furniture? No one can make those choices for you, but figuring out what you need as your end goal can help you to focus on the shades of a color that will work best for you.

When cooking for Shabbat and holidays, opting for recipes that are easy to follow can help you feel that it is not so burdensome. Some people find it helpful to have a basic menu that they use each week and vary one or two side dishes or desserts to add variety without stress. Perhaps there are one or two ways you like to cook chicken or meat or a vegetarian or vegan protein source. You might vary the vegetables or other foods you serve with this main course depending on what is in season or what is on sale.

Figuring out a system for keeping your clothes organized can feel like a huge undertaking. Instead of getting bogged down with reading detailed articles about organizing, figure out what works best for you to be able to find what you need. You can sort it by the type of clothing and by the color or put the clothes you wear the most frequently where they are more easily accessible. Or, decide on your own system that you like the best. The important thing is to find what will help you function better, rather than worrying about the latest trend in home organization.

Cleaning a kitchen or another room in the home can feel terrifying when the room is really messy. Simplify the task by choosing any starting point and then go in a direction around the room. With a bedroom, it is helpful to first make the beds so that the made beds can become surfaces for sorting clothing and other items. In a kitchen, clearing the sink and the counters nearby can also ease the transition and make the job feel less overwhelming. 

When planning a simcha, make a list of your needs and the needs of your guests so that the caterer or anyone else who is organizing the event has clear directions. Figure out what will make your simcha more meaningful to you and work everything else from there.

The job of packing for a trip may feel burdensome. You can make it easier by first making a list in categories of what you will need to bring. For example, have categories for toiletries, medications, undergarments, clothing for weekdays and Shabbat/Holidays, socks, shoes, makeup, jewelry, books, games, etc. Make a list of any food you want to pack and have that organized the night before your trip. Any hostess gifts or things you are bringing for your relatives or friends can also be categories on your list. You can find pre-made lists online that can be a great starting point and make even the list building part less formidable.

Although many things in life are overwhelming, taking small steps can lead to great accomplishments. Each gradual step can help us find the best way to enjoy life to 120!

While we cannot control the actions of others, we can do our part to make our own tasks less formidable.

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