November 2022


Feature Story


Bringing Good Into the World –  An Interview with Dr. Leah Gniwesch

Leah shares about life coaching, the power of community and learning to listen to yourself.

By Penina Taylor

How often in life do we see something wrong in the world and complain about it, but do nothing towards changing the situation? It’s a normal human reaction. Either we feel like there’s nothing that can be done about it, or there’s nothing that we, ourselves can do about it. But it’s the heroes in this world – or SHEroes who see the need for change and then do something about it.

Dr. Leah Gniwesch is one of those sheroes.

The daughter of a pulpit rabbi, with a PhD in clinical psychology, Leah has created something that is changing the face of the field of Life Coaching and making sure that those who become coaches are not only fully equipped to help their clients achieve their goals, but as it says in the medical dictum, to first do no harm.

A Message From Our Editor

The days are getting shorter, the clocks are going back to standard time, and in the Northern Hemisphere the air is becoming crisp. Change is in the air. But as much as we often don’t like change, it’s a part of being human. Nothing ever stays the same. If you aren’t growing, you are dying. If you aren’t going forward, you are going backwards. In life there is no standing still.

As the planet runs through its cycle, it feels like every change of seasons is a time of renewal. It’s a time to look back at what was and to look forward at what’s ahead. This contemplative time is punctuated by the fact that in both the US and Israel it is time for elections. And in both countries there is a growing sense of hopelessness and apathy as most people feel like none of the options are good ones.

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Penina Taylor

Editor in Chief