Homemade Ricotta Cheese


1 gallon whole milk

1 pint heavy cream

¼ cup good quality white wine vinegar

Kosher salt



Step by Step Instructions

Step 1

Place a double or triple layer of cheesecloth into the colander and let the ends hang over the sides. Place this in the sink.

Step 2

Put the milk and the cream into a stock pot and stir in 2 teaspoons of salt.

Step 3

Bring to a full boil over medium heat, stirring to keep from scalding.

Step 4

When the milk and cream are at a full boil stir in the vinegar.

Step 5

Turn off the heat and allow the pot to sit for a minute or two until the milk and cream mixture begins to curdle.

Step 6

Carefully pour the curds in the cheesecloth-lined colander and let the liquid drain for 20 or more minutes. (The longer it drains the creamier a ricotta you will have.)

Step 7

Transfer the ricotta to a bowl and use right away or place in a container with a tightly closing lid and use within 4 to 5 days.


When making cheese from pasteurized milks try to find milk that has not been subjected to UHT pasteurization (Ultra High Temperature) as it will curdle faster and easier.